Wednesday 4 March 2009

We went there and back again...

We went on our holidays to Cornwall-by-the-Sea.

We went to all sorts of Places-by-the-Sea.

We went to Sandymouth Bay - and Ducu and TeaLeaf couldn't catch me...

We went to Hearn Bay - and Ducu couldn't catch me...

We went to Sandymouth Bay again - and Ducu couldn't catch me again
(even though I went slow)...

And then Ducu fell in, har har har.

We went to Port Isaac
(to see Doc Martin but he was out on his rounds) - and Ducu couldn't catch me still,
i think he is just lazy...

We went to Widemouth Bay - and Ducu couldn't even SEE me...

And then we went to Golitha Falls

And then i did not run 'cause by this time my paws were MELTING...

Sometimes we were driving around when we saw stuff out the back of the car

It was good and i want to go again.

