Thursday 13 December 2007

I have a new pln....

So far all my cunnning plns to keep the DogFather home have failed, however, I have a NEW PLN.

I have heard it said that dreams can come true (that's what they say in all those Hollywood movies, and I should know, dad watches enough of them!) so I am going to lie down:

And DREAM the DogFather home..

Do you think it will work?


Beanz said...

I think if you peek your tongue out like that it should work just fine.

How handsome you are, and whistful. Perhaps while the DogFather is away you could get a part in a film. We would watch you.

Lesley Rigby said...

I'll bet your Dogfather is missing you just as much. He probably lies down with just the same look on his face and thinks of you............

Anonymous said...

Send him a pair of ruby slippers - I bet it will work if he clicks them together while you're at home dreaming. Good luck!

Wiliey & Fievel

Sophie Brador said...

I just can't stand it! You are so cute. That picture with your tongue peaking out is so adorable.

It might work. If you dream long enough, you might just wake up and find him there.

Lizzy said...

I think this is definitely on of your best plans yet! Keep dreaming, and it'll work!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - poor Kubrin. How many 'sleeps' until he's home?

wally said...

I am enchanted by your dreaming face. How does the dogfather leave THAT? He must have a heart of stone.


Katherine and Pippa said...

I don't want to be miserable but I hope it doesn't work because if it works for you, then by the same principle I will end up with a house full of girlfriends.....


Tatum Tot said...

I think that is a super idea!