Monday, 27 August 2007

Bank Holiday Mondays

Humans really have no idea about holidays, you are supposed to lie in bed for HOURS

Not open the blinds at 7 AM.

They really do need to learn to take life at an easier pace...

Meggie understands - she tries to maximize her sofa surfing time by doubling up with sofa-surfing AND roaching:

The younger lurchers are a lost cause, I'm afraid


wally said...

That photo montage has made me tired. I need a bank holiday.

I'm on the couch surfing/roaching tip.


Sophie Brador said...

Sophie's torn on which way to go with this one, although without a tennis ball, she's really wondering why those young ones bother.

Em said...

Mollie managed to sofa surf, roach and run around like a complete loon this weekend. The running around did involve a) a beach and b) a tennis ball, though.

For some reason she refused to get out of bed this morning... can't think why...

Misty DawnS said...

I have given you an award! Please check it out at my blog!

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh boo hoo! Lucky you havin a bank holiday, we had nothing up here in Scotland, well the banks were closed and there was no post, but most people went to work as normal!

We get a holiday in September though instead.

Lovely pictures!

Marvin xxxxxxx

Spencer said...

That montage is great! Where do those young whippersnappers get all their energy?

The Brat Pack said...

What a great collage of pics!!

Katherine and Pippa said...

master went to wrok.

time and three quarters (he couldn't get 2x) plus normal rate so he couldn't quite turn it down - just another day

Pippa :(